Woodstock - The Dairy Capital of Canada
Woodstock to London 27 miles
Woodstock to Brantford 28 miles
Woodstock to Kitchener 36 miles
Woodstock to Hamilton 48 miles
Woodstock to Port Rowen 41.5 miles
Woodstock to Mississauga 72 miles
171-199 Ferguson Drive; 1-27 Lindsay Road
Registered as condos1990
Average MLS Selling Price 2022$488,300 (based on 3 MLS sales)
Average MLS Selling Price 2021$445,000 (based on 5 MLS sales)
Eleven clusters ranging in size from two to eight units. These are two storey units with three upper bedrooms and a single car garage. All have lower level walkouts except for one interior cluster of five and one interior cluster of seven units. These two clusters have slightly out-of-the ground rear lower basement windows. Three clusters of units on Lindsay Road back into this complex as does one small cluster on Ferguson. This is a treed site on an incline.
Sand coloured bricking with pale yellow siding. Brick around the main level and brick on the lower walkout level. Raised rear decks with the lower walkout levels only having a single door. Cement drives, covered entrances, grey shingles and purple garage doors. Unit sizes are in the 1,215; 1,235; 1,237; 1,260 square feet range.
These units with gas heat are now in the thirty five year old age range.
Arnsby 519-455-6080